Consultations & Workshops
Beginning in mid-2024, Mindful Divorce Consulting Group, LLC will host seminars for individuals and couples contemplating or in the midst of a divorce. To schedule a private consultation with one of our professionals, please reach out to them directly or complete the form which can be found on the Contact Us page. Remember, empowerment during these uncertain times can be found through education.
Financial Understanding
Finances are an emotional component of a marriage; this is especially heightened during a divorce. It is imperative to know how your assets and liabilities are positioned, analyze all options and be aware of the financial impact in the short term and long term. Some examples of items that must be reviewed (where applicable) include assets and liabilities, employer benefits, stock options, employment contract, cash flow needs, life insurance, pension and tax implications. Divorce is an extremely difficult process for all parties involved. During a time of crisis like divorce, the mind thinks and makes decisions with 80% emotion and 20% logic. This is why it is imperative to be surrounded by a strong team of professionals. The financial professional is a critical aspect of this process.
Real Estate Guidance
Often perceived as the brick and mortar of the marriage, the marital home may become the intersection of the legal, financial, social and emotional parts of divorce. Whether selling or keeping the house, building a divorce team of real estate and lending professionals who specialize in divorce can and will be a valuable asset. While exploring the big picture issues all the way down to the finite details, their expertise will assist you in making educated decisions. It is beneficial to work with specialized professionals who can provide a customized real property tracking tool and worksheets which will be shared with you and your attorney providing greater enhanced house due diligence for family mediation. Through their cooperation, advice, and educational tools delivered to you and your attorney, divorce real estate and lending professionals will work towards your goal with persistence and integrity.
QDRQ Explanation
A retirement plan is often the largest asset to divide after the marital home. The actual division of the retirement plan is done by a special court order and most often happens after the divorce is final. The entire process of having a QDRO drafted, entered with the Court and then accepted by a retirement plan administrator can take three to six months. If you are the party waiting for a retirement plan to be divided because you need a cash distribution to move forward with your life post-divorce, you want to move that process along as quickly as possible. A QDRO Specialist can help you understand what a QDRO is, when it can (and should) be done, and what documents you need that will help the QDRO process be completed in a timely and efficient manner.